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Non-Athlete or Overweight Kids

Train Like A Movie-Star In A Gym All To Yourself!

Private Training Options

  • Ongoing Training (One or Multiple Times/Week)

    • 30 or 60 Minute Sessions

    • Live In My Gym (Carol Stream, IL)


  • Short-Term Consulting (One or More Sessions)

    • 30 or 60 Minute Discussions​

    • Live In My Gym or Virtual (Zoom or FaceTime)

... Or Train With One Of My Specialty Programs/Courses

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What types of athlete's do I train and what are their goals?
    I train almost all types of athletes with almost any type of performance related goal! I played professional baseball so I'm very popular with baseball and softball players. However, I've been training for over 20 years and have vast experience with almost every type of athlete! Please read about my training philosophy as it pertains to athletes. It goes into detail about what I am (and am not) qualified for!
  • What does a typical session look like and how many sessions do I need to do?
    The answer to both questions is whatever you decide! That's the beauty of private sessions. It can be as little as one random session or as many as five times per week on an ongoing basis. Some athletes already have a program in place, but just want to discuss or fine-tune a few things. It could be speed, mental skills, exercise form, etc. Others are starting from scratch and need help getting started. Some athletes may do all of their weekly workouts with me on an ongoing basis, whereas others may do one or two with me a week and then possibly some other workouts on their own or with their team. Obviously, everyone is different, but a typical session would consist of a warm-up (movement prep), followed by some explosive power, speed, and agility movements, then some resistance training, and finally concluding with some conditioning and muscle tissue work (foam rolling, stretching, etc). Please send me a quick email ( explaining your goals. Together we can figure out a plan moving forward.
  • What's the difference between training and consulting?
    Not much really, in that they're both a private session with me. Consulting is more of a discussing/assessing/learning type of meeting; whereas training is more of an actual ongoing day-to-day workout. Consulting can include exercising, but more for the purpose of simply showing you how to do something new or assessing if you're currently doing something correctly. Clients that only do a few sessions are almost always consulting type sessions. The goal is to help get you to a point where you can train on your own. Even clients that schedule into weekly ongoing workout(s) will usually also start with a few sessions that are more consulting/assessing/teaching based. This will help set us up for more success as we get into actual training workouts. With me, remote clients are almost always consulting based and I usually do not put you through an actual workout.
  • What if I don't live near Carol Stream, IL (suburban Chicago)?"
    No problem... I offer Zoom or FaceTime CONSULTING sessions... but again, I usually do not do actual remote WORKOUT sessions.
  • Can I train with you in the winter if "straight speed training" (such as the 20, 40, or 60 yard dash) is my only goal?"
    This is a tricky one... the answer is both yes and no. Let me explain. When the weather is cooperating, we have plenty of room to sprint outside on my large property (even more space than I used to have at my old commercial gym). Additionally, we use the outdoor space to do resisted/sled work and assisted/bungee drills. However, this is Chicago and the weather is usually hit-or-miss from November until April. With that being said, if you're already lifting on your own and "straight speed training" would be your only reason for wanting to train with me... I probably wouldn't recommend weekly ongoing sessions throughout the entire winter, but I would definitely encourage a few or so consulting sessions to give you some direction. Like most goals, "straight speed training" usually starts with assessing and understanding... as long as there's no moisture on the ground, at your first meeting we'd usually be able to get outside for a couple of minutes to time and video a sprint or two. We'd follow that up with indoor discussions and drills on how to clean up your form and how to go about sprint training in the winter (at your local gym or facility). These consulting sessions would be especially valuable for baseball players looking to improve their 60 yard dash. Most 60 improvement comes from working on the start and the first 3 strides of the run (which can then be accomplished inside my gym and out of the cold). Finally, keep in mind that strength, explosiveness, core stabilization, and mobility are also critical toward improving speed. Many of my athletes interested in speed will still continue to train with me in the winter months even though the ability to do actual sprints is limited.
  • Can I workout with a sibling(s) or friend?
    Yes. However, keep in mind that the gym is small. We're able to accomplish almost every type of exercise needed, but we're still talking about a home gym. The space can comfortably fit two athletes. I have done three, but it gets tight. Another thing to consider would be the goals, weekly training schedules, and strength/ability levels of each athlete involved... ideally, the more they are aligned the better. For example, when talking about goals and training schedules, it's nice when we're able to have each athlete perform the same workout when they come to me. This will better utilize our space so that we're not bumping into each other. Also, in terms of strength & ability levels... again it's also nice when athletes are fairly similar. For example, when doing a heavier traditional lift such as a bench press or trap bar deadlift, if one athlete is capable of doing 300+ pounds and the other would be doing much less, it can be a real time-sucker and a royal pain in the butt to keep loading and unloading the weight between sets. Obviously, a little variation is totally fine and normal, but I'm talking about a significant difference in abilities... in which case we'd probably perform separate workouts altogether (which again, isn't ideal). There is no cost advantage of working with friends... each athlete will be charged as if they were working individually (although siblings do have a discount in general). Please refer to the "What is the cost?" question below. You might be wondering, "If there isn't a cost advantage, why would anyone want to share sessions with a friend?" Well, there might be a couple of reasons... mainly carpooling and/or a possible increase in motivation and fun.
  • What is the cost?
    Regardless of whether we're doing training or consulting, cost is: One-Hour Sessions First 5 sessions = $99/hour or $105/hour (siblings) Sessions 6 and beyond = $85/hour or $105/hour (siblings) Although not as common, I do also offer 30 Minute sessions. 30 Minute Sessions First 5 sessions = $69/half-hour or $75/half-hour (siblings) Sessions 6 and beyond = $60/half-hour or $75/half-hour (siblings) New athletes are always more time intensive, and thus, the reasoning for the slightly higher cost for the first 5 sessions as listed above. If (after doing a session and getting to know your situation) you request that I write a personalized program for days that you are not training with me, the cost will be an additional $100 per program. If, in the future, you ask me to re-write the program (due to changes in your goals, training time availability, needing progressions/regressions, etc) the cost will be an additional $100 for each re-write. Simply making slight adjustments to your current program is no cost (assuming the entire program doesn't need to be re-created). Often times, athletes will text me a video of their form and ask for my remote critique. This is often the case in sprinting form, baseball/60 yard dash starts, deadlifting etc. Assuming that we've done at least a one-hour (or at least 2, 30 minute) consultations, I will respond with a quick voiced-over critique of the video for a cost of $50. However, there is no charge for this if you are a weekly ongoing client and have completed at least 5 sessions. Cancelation policy (for you) = you must cancel by 10 PM (central) of the night prior to the session. If canceling after this time, there will be a $25 fee added to your account. Cancelation policy (for me) = I must cancel by 10 PM (central) of the night prior to the scheduled session. If canceling after this time, I will credit your account $25. Clients are required to keep a credit card on file. The first session will be charged upfront. After that, cards will be ran at the end of every month based on charges accrued. You will receive an email with a line item description of all charges along will a separate email of the receipt after the card was charged.
  • What are your Covid policies?
    I follow the current policies set by my local government.
  • How do I get started?
    Simply send me a quick introductory email ( Many times we'll schedule a short, no-cost meeting that can be done either at my gym in Carol Stream or remotely via Zoom or FaceTime. The purposes of this meeting are to get to know one another, discuss your goals, and figure out a plan moving forward. I promise I will not pressure you and you will not need to commit to anything at this meeting. If you'd like to move forward, simply let me know whenever.

Thurman Hendrix, M.A., C.S.C.S., C.S.A.C.


Training Background


  • Over 25 years of experience as a Performance Enhancement Coach and Consultant to middle school, high school, collegiate, and professional athletes of most sports

  • Master's Degree in Exercise Science

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the NSCA

  • Certified Speed and Agility Coach (CSAC) through the NSPA

  • Nationally known 60 Yard Dash and Baseball-Specific Speed Coach

  •  Greatly incorporates Mental Skills Coaching into training sessions

  • Public speaker and consultant to numerous high schools, colleges/universities, and organizations

  • Author of numerous training articles

  • Offered a position as a strength and conditioning coach with the Chicago White Sox

  • Click here to learn more about my training philosophy, and to understand which aspects of performance enhancement that I am (and am not) qualified for​


Sports Background​


  • Former professional minor league baseball player

  • Collegiate Conference MVP - Northern Illinois-Iowa Conference - 1999

  • Elected into the Athletic Hall of Fame at Concordia University Chicago - 2014

  • High School Conference MVP - Chicago Catholic League - 1995

  • On Fenwick High School's Wall of Fame as an All-State Baseball Player - 1995

  • Former college baseball coach and current youth softball coach



​Personal Background


  • Brother (Kevin) is a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC).  He is a regional manager for AthletiCo Physical Therapy

  • Sister-in-law (Jackie) is also a DPT

    • In other words, Kevin and Jackie deal mainly with injured athletes, whereas I work with healthy athletes looking to get quicker, faster, stronger, etc.

  • I live in suburban Chicago with my wife, Amy, and our two daughters, Ashlyn and Ally

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